Friday, August 27, 2021

Analysis on Hizuru, Japan's doppelgänger

Hello everyone, Alesmat here; today I want to talk about the nation of Hizuru.

In both the anime and manga, Hizuru is the third proper nation mentioned in the story (the other two being Eldia and Marley) 

Hizuru is first mentioned in Season 4, Episode 63 “From hand to hand” (Chapter 98 "Good for you" for the manga readers), by Gabi Braun when her companion, Warrior candidate Udo Bock, spilled wine on the ambassador’s traditional clothing.

The aforementioned ambassador is Kiyomi Azumabito, one of the most powerful women in the nation.

Now let’s get onto the names!

° Hizuru:
Hizuru is the name of this Eastern Nation, and it’s phonetically similar to “日出ずる国” (Hi-izuru kuni), meaning “Land of the Rising Sun”, a poetic name for Japan.

° Azumabito:
An old Japanese noble family title of the Nara Period (AD 710 – AD 794), meaning literally “Eastern man” or “East man”.

Hizuru, though, will be properly presented by Yelena in the flashbacks of Episodes 68 and 69 (Season 4).

The Anti-Marleyan volunteer explains that Hizuru has been an historical ally to Eldia, and it’s the only nation in the world known to respect Eldians as people, treating them decently (this can be seen in Kiyomi’s self-blame when Udo spilled wine on her and her faith in the Association to protect the Subjects of Ymir, mentioned in Volume 31, Chapter 123 “Island Devils”).

Mistakenly, Yelena also mentions that Hizuru met for the first time Eldia 100 years prior to the construction of the port, mistakenly implying that the two became allies in the year 752, when in reality, the Great Titan War of 743 was already lost and Paradis isolated itself from the world.

Hizuru's history begins 2000 years ago. With the first prehistoric centre located on the main island Tōyama (富山) of the Gōshoto Archipelago (五諸島), the first Hizurian clans discovered the domestication of rice and a breed of boars typical to the region: the Inoshishi.

Hizurian history shares a lot of traits with Japan's history.
That's why Hizuru, during the collapse of the Steel Age (around the year 145), was divided in dozens of warring states, and eventually, the most powerful one, the Azuma clan, gained control over the 
Gōshoto Archipelago.

After the unification of the archipelago conducted by the Azuma clan in 235, Hizuru will live a long period of instability, called the "Century of the Thirty Kings", an era characterised by the power struggle of various Hizurian noble families that ended in the year 369, with the instauration of the Shogunate of Hizuru, a coup d'état conducted by the Kaidō general Kenji Azumabito.

His dinasty, a family of warriors and merchants, distinguished from the others by a symbol passed from generation to generation, a circle with inside a triangle made up of Katanas, traditional Hizurian swords.

Hizuru's massive imperial expansion began in 632, when an Eldian expedition for the exploration of the continent of Kyasei, led by admiral Blaz Hoffman, met the Imperialist Shogun Akihiko Azumabito, and with the power of persuasion, they managed to create an alliance between the two peoples.

From there on, the alliance with the Eldian Empire is going to be both the heightening and the downfall of Hizuru.

Eldia needed a powerfull ally in the East, and to pursue that objective it helped the Hizurian expansion into contiental Kyasei, forcing their culture to the locals and becoming an influential country in the East.

During the Great War of 743, Hizuru sided with Eldia against the Marleyans and the rebellions, but the war is swiftly lost. Whilst Eldia would completely collapse to Marley, Hizuru will also be subject to the extreme territorial losses on the contitent and the extremely shameful peace terms imposed by the Marleyans - among the being the abolition of the shogunate in favour of a democratic government.

Hizuru as of the year 854 - WIP!

**DISCLAIMER** This is a work of fiction. It does not intend to replace or make a parody of any of the original work made by manga artist Isayama Hajime. All the rights reserved to their respective owners.

Thank you for reading,

Where is the main story located?

 Up until the basement reveal, people have been wondering where the walls would be located, and finally, in 2016, with the release of chapter 86, titled "That day" (or for the pickiest, chapter 85 "The basement"), we got the reveal we've been waiting for five years:

When I read this, I asked myself: "Then where are we?" - And my question was promptly answered.

Our main characters, Eren, Mikasa, Armin and the others come from the Hermit Kingdom of Eldia, situated on Paradis Island.

Which, put to perspective with Marley (the people who sent pure titans towards the Walls for 100 years, the ones who transformed Ymir and Dina Fritz into titans, who killed Faye Jaeger, who sent Reiner and the other Warriors to destroy the walls), looks awfully familiar ...

Well, it's because it is familiar!

Like a lot of things in Attack on Titan, the world map is also reversed by 180 degrees; in fact, if we turn the Manga map like this:

We get our world map! (or at least a more stylised and less detailed version of it)

From the info given by the characters we simply understand that the continent of Marley is actually Africa, and that Paradis Island is actually the Island of Madagascar!

To make everything a bit clearer, I remade the map, so that it will be easier for us to understand what we're doing.

Hope you like it!

Thank you for reading,

Welcome to my blog!

 Hello everyone! My name is Alesmat, and I am an Attack on Titan enthusiast! Other things I'm interested in are: history, geography and anthropology, and when reading the Attack on Titan manga, I was a bit disappointed on how the World, which is the entire plot of the series, isn't as fleshed out as I imagined.

My goal for this blog is to analyse every single detail on the Attack on Titan Universe, and give it the World-Lore it deserves!

Hence, the existence of this blog. Creating a "realistic" world, on which our beloved characters live, with history, culture and more!

Of course, some advice:

If you want to read my articles and understand them completely, I have to warn you that there's going to be both Anime and Manga spoilers! You've been warned!

Nonetheless, follow me through this adventure, and hopefully, enjoy my work!

Thank you for reading,


Welcome to my blog!

 Hello everyone! My name is Alesmat, and I am an Attack on Titan enthusiast! Other things I'm interested in are: history, geography and ...